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The CisoNet Partnership Solution

The CisoNet mission and partnership model comprises funding mobilization, supply management, Operation administration and service affiliation to support enterprise client artificial intelligent nodes (CAIN). We believe in the importance of linking industry to education and utilizing natural resources for a better society while preserving the environment. We are committed to bringing together investment, technology, business, and marketing expertise to create innovative solutions and opportunities for freelance, consulting, contracting, and employment. We welcome resourceful individuals to join us in this challenging and fulfilling mission. We are providing you an onboarding and learn as you earn to induct you and continue in building your capacity through a purposeful learn as you earn program (EdgeNode & CloudNode)


Employment Opportunity Overview​​

The main purpose for which we were formed is to assist clients with their decision support needs. We do this by first understanding the activities of their Business Operations Solution Services (BOSS) followed by interpreting them to provide the requisite Technical Operations Solution Services (TOSS) which include software integration, platform provision and infrastructure facilitation leading to the creation of an appropriate repository environment for the associated data records, information and intelligence that the clients stakeholders need to make considered decisions that support resilience and sustainability of their enterprise. The BOSS and TOSS employment opportunities thus contribute to the realization of the Client Operations Activity Node (COAN) and its associated Client Artificial Intelligence Node (CAIN) solution. In here, CisoNet is looking for Employment opportunity manager to manage a employment formulation in collaboration with registration 

Employment Opportunity


The enterprise employment opportunities include those at CisoNet to create and manage lite letters, provide onboarding and learning, support client operations in the management of their information needs. The management of the client activities include the following. 

  • Fundamental Resources

  • Natures Gifts

  • Enterprise Genesis

  • Enterprise Activity Organization

  • Roles & Responsibility Categorization

  • Experience & Qualification Requirements

  • Enterprise Fundamental Goals

  • Requirement Financing Mobilization

Enterprise Activity Record Repository​

Understanding and providing record repository solution for the activities generated by the client enterprise dictated a development stage in which to carryout a thorough appreciation and scoping of a specific solution, designing and specifying the systems standards and bill of quantities, followed by supply that incorporates procurement, delivery to site as well as installation, testing and commissions before handing it over to operations for maintenance and backup. The solutions maybe as simple as an issue or task or as complicated as a project or a program and can be in any category of enterprise business development, technology, regulations and administration systems manufacturing, platform provisioning and infrastructure facilitation.

CisoNet Opportunities


The Enterprise activities can be organized and categorized into a strategic plan, project program portfolio of project, project


  • Onboarding & Learning : The influx of post secondary education graduates into the industry who remain unemployed ... 

  • Lite Mission Letters : This a magazine whose main objective is to inform the information and communication sector though news, creative content, innovation articles and enterprise solution  â€‹

  • Business Development & Marketing​ : â€‹The business development executive assists clients in the conceptualization and formulation of decision support projects to 

  • Systems Supply & Backup : This involves the planning, design, supply and implementation of a data center in collaboration with Konza  

  • Resource Management : CisoNet requires to bring onboard enterprise officers to assist in the management of its human, administratration, customer, financing and marketing needs. It is looking for experienced resource 

Working with


to Build the best user Experience


In collaborations with Cisco, create an effective compute and storage cloudnode complete with its associated infrastructure, accessibility, switching and connectivity services


Work With Splunk To -

Collect use case data; 
Process the Data Into Information; Analyse the information into intelligence; and Offer Advice on the intelligence for decision making


Take advantage of the revolutionizing INVIDIA GPU power and the emerging Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies to provide both cloud and edge solutions for benefit of society while preserving the the environment.


Work with Konza Technopolis to facilitate a state of the art datacenter complete with clean power, environmental monitoring and security to give comfort client customers

Levarange on the emerging Artificial Intelligence to create edge and cloud node solutions for enterprise business and technology services

Collaborating with National


  • Centers of Excellence

  • Digital Village Hubs and

  • Conventions and workshop event organizers

Onboard Empower & Build Capacity for our Service Affiliates

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