Employment Opportunity Skills ​​
The main purpose for which we were formed was to assist clients with decision support for their needs. We do this by first understanding their Business Operations Solution Services (BOSS) followed by providing the requisite Technical Operations Solution Services (TOSS) which ensure that the record of the client enterprise activities are made available in a suitable manners to assist in the client stakeholders make considered decisions that support resilience and sustainability of their enterprises. We are provide Client Artificial Intelligence Node (CAIN) to ensure the interpretation of Client Operation Activity Node (CAON) needs, After the interpretation the we use the appropriate software for integration to capture the interpreted essence. The provided for easy and efficient accessibility from the cloud secure and availables repositories duplicated allover, This decision support system has created many opportunities not only in understanding the activities but also in converting the activities into repository records using the emerging artificial intelligence technologies and concepts. Thre employment opportubities as described here are meant include desions . ,, the operatiwith ons backup partner was formed is support the client in the interpretation of its needs, operation and maintenance of the solution systems, provision and implementation of network systems and service products and also in the maintenance of cloud and edge nodes either on premises or private or public facility. In achieng this, CisoNet provides awareness and capacity building and learning lacit the cloud create onboarding material for use in understanding the gap gap between industry and education and using the material to show the opportunities while onboarding the participants through capacity building and support them in carrying out the works as provided by the opportunities. Specifically, the job and employment opportunities that are vailable at CisoNet will be derived from the following base for project activities.
CisoNet Sources of Employment
Content Generation
Innovation Articles
Event Presentations
Onboarding & Learning
Event Planning & Organization
Participant Mobilization
Resource Person
Venue Facilitation
Financing Mobilization
Government Youth Fund
Institutions & Authority Partnership
Foundation & Trust Funds
Group Investors
CisoNode Outlets
Backup Service
Participant Expossure & Recruitment
Tuition & Backup Event Organization
Event Organization Facilitation and Resource Person Presenters
Event Performance & Impact Evaluation Reviews
Service Management Application Enhancement & Improvement
- Service Management Application Enhancement & Improvement
- Participant Recruitment​
- Associate Certification
- Team Management
- Enterprise Funding
- Partnership Support
Outlet Facility Infrastucture
Building and Space Premises
ICT Infrastructure
Production Operations
Customer Service
Field Demonstration, Event Facilitators & Coordination
Resource Persons Coordination (Tutorials, Presenters, Authors, Reviewes)
Site Marketing & Promotion Operation
Complimentary Sites
Marketing Tools
Social Media
Site Quality & Aesthetics Improvement (Using Wix Builder)
Website Manager :
Static Pages
​Outline Pages
Advertising Frame
Member Pages
Dynamic Pages
Revenue Manager
Content Quality Improvement
Power Point Presentation Document Editing
Graphics Objects Creation
Word Document Editing
Hosting Operation Support
Cloud Platform Procurement
On Premises Setup & Administration
Member Pages
Applications Customization Improvements
System Analysis
System Design
Standards & Specifications
Program Instruction & Coding
The employment opportunities available at CisoNet include contracts for entreprenuers, freelancers direct employment Jobs. We are looking for economy and industry reviewers, creators and generators of onboarding content on Skills For Enterprise Cloud Solution, application developers to build the CisoNet Cloudsite and facilitators to support customers and to be resource person to lead the sessions on Skills For Enterprise Cloud Solution training
Site Customization
Customer Service​
Social/Digital Marketing​
ing App of Opportunities
CisoNet Sources of Employment
Enterprise Governanve & Administration
Projects Programing & Coordination
Resource Mobilization Operations
Strategic Reserch & Reviews​
Project Conceptualiztion Activity Proposal
Site Building Operations
System Architect & Structure
Page Editing & Publishing
Advertising; Billing & Payment
Marketing & Customer Service (Charting, Calling, Notification, Communication)
Onboarding Content Operations
Agenda & Table of Content
Authoring & Moderation Material
Media & Content Editing and Generation
Onboarding and Proceedings Event
Participant Expossure & Recruitment
Tuition & Backup Event Organization
Event Organization Facilitation and Resource Person Presenters
Event Performance & Impact Evaluation Reviews
Service Management Application Enhancement & Improvement
- Service Management Application Enhancement & Improvement
- Participant Recruitment​
- Associate Certification
- Team Management
- Enterprise Funding
- Partnership Support
Outlet Facility Infrastucture
Building and Space Premises
ICT Infrastructure
Production Operations
Customer Service
Field Demonstration, Event Facilitators & Coordination
Resource Persons Coordination (Tutorials, Presenters, Authors, Reviewes)
Site Marketing & Promotion Operation
Complimentary Sites
Marketing Tools
Social Media
Site Quality & Aesthetics Improvement (Using Wix Builder)
Website Manager :
Static Pages
​Outline Pages
Advertising Frame
Member Pages
Dynamic Pages
Revenue Manager
Content Quality Improvement
Power Point Presentation Document Editing
Graphics Objects Creation
Word Document Editing
Hosting Operation Support
Cloud Platform Procurement
On Premises Setup & Administration
Member Pages
Applications Customization Improvements
System Analysis
System Design
Standards & Specifications
Program Instruction & Coding
The employment opportunities available at CisoNet include contracts for entreprenuers, freelancers direct employment Jobs. We are looking for economy and industry reviewers, creators and generators of onboarding content on Skills For Enterprise Cloud Solution, application developers to build the CisoNet Cloudsite and facilitators to support customers and to be resource person to lead the sessions on Skills For Enterprise Cloud Solution training
Site Customization
Customer Service​
Social/Digital Marketing​
ing App of Opportunities