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Entrepreneurship In Industry

Updated: Feb 23, 2023

Create Content; Produce Systems and Facilitate Resource Person : Record and Reports on Mission of Linking Industry To Education.

The Employment Bulletin provides an examination of the gap between industry and education in view of the unemployment and/or under employment situation in the country and in light of huge availability of post secondary education certificates and qualifications. One of its major purpose is to identify and bring to your attention the opportunities in the information and communications sector as they relates to you and the industry at large. It also looks at capitalization and empowerment as a means of closing the gap though funding and financing. Specifically, it focuses on available job vacancies at CisoNet and its affiliates and partnerships, called CisoNodes spread throughout the country, and located right at the heart of the community in both the rural and urban villages.

Source of Jobs & Vacancies.

The Information and Communication System (ICS) is perhaps the most important resource in management of an enterprise besides time, finance and quality human resource. CisoNet works closely with its affiliates to create requisite employment job and vacancy opportunities for those who are from colleges and institutes of higher learning and have attained post secondary education certificates and qualifications in business administration, finance and capitalization, information and communication technology, entrepreneurial strategy, industry and market analysis and also in development, design, production implementation of systems, actuarial science among other disciplines.The available jobs and vacancies will involve data collection, processing the data into information, managing the information into intelligence and utilizing the intelligence to make informed decisions. CisoNet and its affiliates and associates will support the enterprises in the industry including those in health and agriculture, those in housing and infrastructure, those in education, those in communication and those that are involved in the socio-economy sector.

Content Creation and Documentation

The content repository is a record of data, information, intelligence and decisions which is necessary for efficient operations and management of services of an enterprise. The repository contains promotion and communication articles, learning material, production documentation and journalistic reporting. The employment bulletin, specifically, is a record of marketing articles that promote the closing of the gap between industry and education through empowerment and creation of employment. In this respect, CisoNethas jobs vacancies and opportunities for copy writing for production of media and promotional material. Other job vacancies are available for authors of onboarding, capacity building and learning material, preparation documentation of production manuals and guide explaining the design and production of processes, systems, solutions and associated services. Yet others opportunities are available for those who are interested in reporting. These opportunities are available to you and can be carried out from anywhere and anytime. The Employment Bulletin is therefore a source of gainful employment that compliments the activities generated by the on-boarding, capacity building and recruitment events at CisoNet for employment and closing the gap between education and industry.

Demand and Opportunity

In this employment bulletin, we are making a case for you to join us and contribute in the mission to Link Industry To Education (LITEMISSION). In doing this, CisoNet is adopting a concept of helping associates remain focused to an objective by limiting them to think in a concept they are calling The Four Shades of Thought (T4ST) in which it claims that a practical thought has four dimensions and the fifth dimension introduces another thought. This way, our associates are encouraged to focus at the matters at hand as a way of creating and innovating reality oriented outcomes. Using this concept, we are then able to discern the opportunities, need and demand for services in the industry. For example, imagine the education sector and its needs to computerize the curriculum and publications, imagine the need to bring government services closer to the people, imagine the need for shared knowledge and then imagine there are those corrupt individuals who claim that there are no jobs and vacancies in the industry! In this bulletin, we are all going to discuss and conference around this issue with a view to ensuring that your educational background is better applied as you achieve your contribution endevours.

Resourcing Activities of The Enterprise

The human resource is one of the most important contributors to development and modernization of systems and services. The funding to stimulate and energies the genius in the human resource is an open secret that can make a difference in creation of wealth and perhaps elimination of poverty where it exists. CisoNet in collaboration with trusts & financial investments in both private and public sector in general is mobilizing the befitting capital to enable those who join as associates realize their career dreams as they strive to make a difference in society. In this respect, the associates will find an engagement in direct and regular jobs vacancies or as consultants, freelancers and entrepreneurs to manage decision making meeting records, the ensuing projects and its tasks and also ensuring effective and efficient transaction that encourage enterprise and team productivity and performance.

With all that, we invite you to join CisoNet

In this CisoNet site, it is said that the Information and Communication System (ICS) can be grown by fundamentally starting with an interpretation of the needs in industry, using software to integrate the interpretations into application solutions, providing a storage platform to host the solution and creating the capital to facilitate the services to the customer. This then brings forth the activities that generate jobs and vacancies in content creation for capacity building, system development and implementation and also in organizational management which CisoNet believes is within the realm of the achieved education and experience in the country and all that pertains in finding a way of focusing and directing that background into a belief of self determination; thanks to the converged reality of a global village.

And Why CisoNet

In addition to job and vacancy opportunities, CisoNet partners for the following:

  • Collaboration with Suppliers of Affordable Network Equipment & Devices

  • Provision of Funding & Lending to Affiliates and Associates

  • On-boarding & Capacity Building Collaboration with Centers of Excellency

  • Technical Backup Support to Affiliates and Client Partners

We are appointing CisoNode affiliates starting next year 2023; be the first to Join for consideration by clicking the welcome button below.

By Matei M. Ndeti

Executive Director, Concepts & Development

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