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HubNode : Esain : Software : CloudNode
Decision Support Science In the Provision of Enterprise Solutions,
The process of decision making or Decision Support Science (DSS) starts with fact gathering followed by knowledge processing then understanding the knowledge to make a wise decision. Knowledge without understanding is as empty as a huge store of uncoordinated facts. In the physical world, we collect data, process the data into information, manage the information into intelligence and utilize the intelligence to make informed decisions. The decisions for securing humanity and environment at large or for increasing the effectiveness of systems, methods and services. These solutions then all have a common denominator of Decision Support Science and is used in interpretation, integration, provision and facilitation of optimized products and services that benefit and impact the social well being of society.
The Decision Science System : Data is collected from the analog world of business and environment. Technology us evolved overtime and presently, computers are used to digitize the analog data for ease of interpretation and decision making. The computing system comprises the hardware system of peripheral access interface, the central processing unit, the processing and storage memories all connected to each other by the bus, The data which is the form of object files is achieved through an hierarchy software system starting with a machine the operating system, the solution tools and the service and business software solutions. This device collects analog dat and converts its into binery digitits of ones and deros then forwards them server or store where they then processed into information and intelligence and then converted into analog for purpse of human and machine inter Science, data analytics , and information science are all stages of decision science that contribution making of enterprise decision, for the benefitof Decision We are an holistic leaning organization with a mission to link industry to education (LiteMission) through the concept of The Four Shades of Thought (T4$T) based on the genesis of creation, innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship which are prerequisite to self sufficiency & sustainability. The concept is based on the quantum view in which two neutral particle are introduce into the time of ether rotating in opposite direction forming a maximum and a minimum thereby achieving a new stable and neutral particle similar to the hydrogen atom. This model of four shades is abstracted for use in simplifying assignments on creation of onboarding content. The model can also be abstracted from a three way view of minus one zero one interaction to create T4$T model.
Partnership CAIN Solution
Civil & Utility
Building Construction
Power Conditioning
Environment Conditioning
CloudeNode Infrastructure
Software Service
Solution Partnership
Subscription (Service)
License (Enterprise)
Platform (SaaS)
Server (Collocate/Virtual)
Business Solutions
Onboarding & Training
Sales & Marketing
Business Development
Resource Administration
Service Affiliates (Innovation, Integrate
Project Service
Product Sales
Earning Operations
Strategy Officers
Program Directors
Project Project
Task Executives​
data analytics, information science and business intelligence are all stages of decision science that contribute to the establishment and provisioning of impactable solution. The Decision Science process starts by identifying an input field of interest to solution in a time space. The field is the basic element on which data is sourced through probing, authentification, sensing and detection. The collected field value in time is therefore a basis of the expected solution. Data science can be viewed as a means of ensuring that credidible and quality data or facts are gathered or collected and all solution related fields are then entered into a form or filter for digitization. Information processing is a means of relating and integrating the field into a database of raw and derived fields on a search can be done to provide reports. The reports are then visualised as a way of enabling a better insight, understanding and intelligence to the final solution. The CisoNet team of associates and partners is assisting enterprises in collection of appropriate data, processing it into information, managing the information intelligence and using and utilising the intelligence to make informed and wise decisions. The CisoNet team is sourced or recruited from mostly the local educational and learning system to ease in the appreciation of enterprise needs and complimented with a bit of expertise from other jurisdictions to moderate the solutions.
identification of and using the .to provide a basis on which to make . fiels of ion making of enterprise decision, for the benefitof Decision We are an holistic leaning organization with a mission to link industry to education (LiteMission) through the concept of The Four Shades of Thought (T4$T) based on the genesis of creation, innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship which are prerequisite to self sufficiency & sustainability. The concept is based on the quantum view in which two neutral particle are introduce into the time of ether rotating in opposite direction forming a maximum and a minimum thereby achieving a new stable and neutral particle similar to the hydrogen atom. This model of four shades is abstracted for use in simplifying assignments on creation of onboarding content. The model can also be abstracted from a three way view of minus one zero one interaction to create T4$T model.
Data Collection
Learning Online
Bulleting News Letter
Onboarding Seminars & Conferences
Onboarding & Recruitment
Mentorship & Champion Awards
Bulleting News Letter
Seminars & Conferences
Onboarding & Recruitment
Mentorship & Champion Awards
Bulleting News Letter
Seminars & Conferences
Onboarding & Recruitment
Mentorship & Champion Awards
Learning Online
Bulleting News Letter
Onboarding Seminars & Conferences
Onboarding & Recruitment
Mentorship & Champion Awards
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