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CLOUD PLATFORM : Support ICT Networking; Hosting; IOT Sales & Applications Programming Services

Updated: Jan 12, 2023

Overview of The Information and Communication System Technology

The Iinternet Technology usually called ICT is a big contibutor of jobs and vacancies to the economy. These include jobs for infrastructure construction, applications developement, sales of internet of things devices and also supply and provision of hosting services.

As an example, the country is constructing one of the most modern hosting facility at Konza technopolis city which in turn is going to create job and vacancy opportunities for not only application development and system implementation but also content creation and generation. This hosting facilty will also stimulate the increase in digital villages and penetration of information and communication services to the rural and urban areas. CisoNet is looking for affiliates and associates to setup outlets at the community areas and others to contribute in applications customization and development and others to create content for not only learning but also for promotion and media reporting and news.

Applications Development

Those individuals who are interested in coding and programming including website development and also applications for Administration Resource Management, Supply and Logistics Solution, finacial management and production management among others and need funding and capital support are invited to learn and contribute in the huge need for applications development in the economy.

Construction of Facility Infrastructure

The accomodation and utility services for the Information and communication system is also transforming due to the shift to cloud computing. Thus for example the office of the future and learning outlet centres are evolving to accomodate this paradyme shift. This therefore is a huge opportunity for those who have certificates and development in engineering especially in the provision of electrical power which which increasingly shifting to green energy as generation and storage technology has been improving tremedously.

Provision of Neworking Services

In addition to supporting hosting services, the information and communication technology system has opportunities for those who have qualified in supply and installation of networking equipment. The CisoNet affiliates and partnership enterprises need support in their endevour to transform their information management systems to thecloud.

Sales & Supply of IOT Devices

The telecommunication network which comprises operators such as safaricom and telkom are introducing the latest systems based on what is call 5G and emerging 6G technology. This will create opportunities for those who are interested in the distribution of the Internert of things (IOT devices including lapt tops, telephones and tablets and also devices for motion detection and also temerature among others.

Content Creation and Onboarding

CisoNet is immediately looking for associates to be involved in creating capacity building and onboarding learning material, marketing and promotion articles, system production and implementation documentation and also decision reporting news. The associates are required to have writing, production of graphics and presentation material, creation and animation and also media production skills. Thus your educational background is easily applicable at CisoNet as a content creator as you participate in the documentation of production processes of a project cycle including development, planning, implementation and operation and maintenance. It is clear that the sky is the limit for those who are looking for challenging yet safisfying opportunities with appropriate remuneration.

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